- Age Group:13 - 18 Years
- Schedule:Thursday
6:15-7:00 - actor's skill
7:00 - 8:00 - vocal
rehearsal day - 2 to 5 pm - Join Now!
The classes content:
- Speech therapy part (Articulatory gymnastics, exercises for setting individual sounds, breathing and finger gymnastics, speech development);
- Dance (Introduction to the basics of choreography, rhythm, dance staging);
- Vocal (Basics of rhythm, development of the vocal range, learning songs according to age);
- Acting skills (Exercises for concentration / attention / imagination, staging individual numbers).
Payment: $220 per month
Additional fee for costumes and decorations $100 per year
(The cost includes paying for classes, tailoring costumes, renting a stage, designing promotional materials: posters, theater programs; making scenery and props).
In case of departure for vacation, etc., THERE IS NO RECALCULATION!